
In Good Hands
for Great Health

There’s a reason preventive screenings are so important. In fact, here are two: Colorectal cancer is now the second-leading cause of cancer-related deaths in America. And more than 90% of those cases are curable if diagnosed early. Isn’t it amazing how one little test can make such a big difference in your life? Please make sure to schedule your exam if you haven’t already.

Trusting your health to the specialists at AdventHealth makes sense. Our doctors are among the best and brightest in the nation, focusing on continued education that keeps them current on the latest breakthroughs and state-of-the-art technologies in colorectal care. You deserve only the best when it comes to your health.

A Procedure for Peace of Mind

Our expert team of doctors and nurses comes to work every day with the same goal in mind: Making sure you feel confident with your treatment and comfortable during your stay. And when scheduling a colonoscopy, know you won’t be here for long. It’s a simple outpatient procedure that usually takes just an hour.

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    Before Your Colonoscopy

    • For a proper examination, the colon must be clean.
    • You’ll need to follow a strict liquid diet before the procedure.
    • You may also be asked to drink a special fluid to flush your system as part of your colonoscopy preparation.
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    During Your Colonoscopy

    • All clothing/jewelry must be removed, and you’ll be given a gown.
    • A relaxing sedative will make you drowsy or fully asleep.
    • You’ll be asked to lay on your left side with your knees pulled up to your chest.
    • An injection of air into the bowel will help your doctor get a clear picture.
    • A water jet and/or suction device may be used for cleaning purposes.
    • The doctor will take photos of your colon and typically remove any polyps (large polyps may be left until a follow-up procedure can be scheduled).
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    After Your Colonoscopy

    • You’ll be taken to a supervised recovery room, where you’ll stay until you’re feeling alert and your blood pressure and pulse are stable.
    • The doctor may discuss your results with you or schedule a follow-up visit.
    • When you’re ready, you’ll be released to the family member or friend you’ve designated to drive you home.
    • You can eat anything you like after your colonoscopy, but may want to begin with a small, bland meal.
    • Be sure to drink plenty of fluids but avoid alcohol for 24 hours.
    • Please note that if you suffer from Type 2 diabetes, Crohn’s disease, ulcerative colitis or Lynch syndrome — or have a personal/family history of polyps — you have a higher risk of colorectal cancer and should plan for a screening earlier than the typical age of 45

    In addition to screening for colorectal cancer, your colonoscopy provides a visual of your overall gut health. It gives our colorectal specialists insight into ways to care for your unique gastrointestinal health needs. No matter whether you show signs of diverticulosis, hemorrhoids or IBD, we’ll be with you, offering compassionate care and creating a personalized treatment plan to meet your needs


The Power to Stay Informed

Knowledge is power — especially when it can protect your health and well-being. This guide on colon cancer was created to educate and empower you by answering the following questions:

  • What are the symptoms of colon cancer?
  • How can I reduce my chance of developing colon cancer?
  • Exactly how invasive is a colonoscopy?
  • What’s the best treatment method?

Taking Action Earlier

45 is the new 50 when it comes to colorectal health. That's the recommended age to begin colon cancer screenings. This video reminds us to celebrate living our best lives by taking the best care of our bodies — and to always do everything we can to prevent unnecessary illness.

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Putting You First
From the Start

Personal support is here when you need it. From initial diagnosis all the way through each stage of the recovery process, you’ll have a designated team member who can help with scheduling and answer questions about treatment, therapy and more.

Take Charge of Your Health

Whole-person care empowers you to take your health into your own hands. Going beyond the traditional, you’ll have access to multiple programs and resources that target long-lasting lifestyle changes, with emphasis on diet and exercise to nourish your sustained well-being. It’s all about making you feel whole again — in body, mind and spirit.

Or call us at 407-961-6685.